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How Would You Feel When Your Partner Tells You He/She Is Not Sexually Satisfied? (Watch Funny Responses)

After sex, nothing hurts more than a statement of dissatisfaction from one’s partner.
If your babe tells you say she’s not satisfied, the kind fear or bitterness that will grip you, you go no say to fail JAMB better small.

On this edition of Walkerplay TV SERIES AUDITION Tag TALKIT ( The Life You Deserve ). An Event For Young & Up-coming Entrepreneurs. Talkit is all about you. As we hit the street to ask Nigerians how it feels when their partners break the news of not being satisfied enough in bed.
Meanwhile, Nigerians express their feelings and share various things they will do to bounce back stronger and get good compliments after sex.

​​Watch ​hilarious ​r​esponses ​below​:-​

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