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15 Top Tips on How to Be a Successful Event Manager


                                     JAY6IX - FELIXWALKER - LIMOBLAZE

Whether you’re still studying, looking for your first job in events or you’re an experienced event manager, there’s always scope to improve your skills.
In the spirit of continual learning, we’ve gone back to the classroom to ask event management lecturers for their top tips on being a successful event manager. I am Felix E.O for Walkerhousemedia9ja.

  1. Communicate clearly with clients
Understand what the customer wants from the event, and make sure you’ve discussed your understanding of the event with the customer. It’s amazing how people can interpret the same instructions differently, so make sure you’ve discussed the brief fully with the customer to avoid misunderstandings.
  1. Learn from each event
When planning for an event, use your plan from previous events and improve each time. This implies including reflection time after an event so that you can make notes of what worked and what didn’t and make sure you have those notes for future events.
  1. Think like an attendee
Walk the event through as if you were a customer. Where does the customer arrive, where do they go? Where are the toilets, the refreshments, the key contact points throughout the event? How easy is it for your customer to get to your event and navigate around your event? This process should allow you to do a number of things, from making sure you haven’t forgotten to consider accessibility, to improving the customer experience throughout their contact with your event.

 4.  Understand your job involves multiple roles
A successful event manager would demonstrate that they could
be all of the following:
Director – can bring expertise together to achieve success
Creative – imaginative and innovative
Project manager – planning, internationalizing, controlling, eye for detail
Critical thinker – ability to synthesis, evaluate and make clear decisions
Communicator and net worker – motivator, empathize and in-tune with clients and customers
If you cannot fulfill all of these functions it’s necessary to build a team that has these abilities. 

5.  Look to the future and strategies
You need to be constantly aware of the bigger picture; to understand the relevance and impact of events. Become a futurologist – use your observations and knowledge to make predictions about future trends, opportunities and risks. 

6.  Be an early adopter
The best event managers are the technological innovators; the ones pushing the boundaries and doing things differently.­ Be prepared to try new things, keep a finger on the pulse of tech innovation and try to see future possibilities. 

7.  Be globally aware
Running your events sensitively and sustainably is important. Be conscious of different cultures and rituals, and the negative impact that events may create if not organised with sufficient consideration.
8.  Plan every detail
All event managers need to demonstrate excellent planning and organizational skills, whether you’re organizing a wedding, a festival or a conference.  Make sure you pay close attention to detail as well as the bigger picture; and do try and think of everything that could go wrong… with plenty of contingency plans!.

9.  Use team communication tools
Effective communication is at the heart of all well-managed projects and events; and a good event manager knows how to communicate with directors in the board room, as well as the delivery truck drivers on site.  There are plenty of apps like Drop box, Slack and Event air to help you manage group projects effectively. 

10.  Network, network, network
The events industry is built on networks, and the more connections you can make the better. Be friendly, never burn bridges and use social media like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect to fellow industry professionals. You never know who your future business partner might be!.

 11.  Nail the brief
Get crystal clear about what the client wants. If they don’t know, demonstrate what is possible by showing examples of other events. Shape your first event brief around the 4Ws: What? Where? Why? Who?
What outcomes are they looking for? Always start with the end in mind.
Where would they like to host the event?
Why now?
Who would they like to see attend?
This will enable you to deliver events that clients want. 

12.  Build your dream team
Work with fantastic, first class suppliers that deliver consistently. It will make you the best. Ask colleagues or associates who they recommend. For example, what fantastic, creative florists have they worked with? Which venues have they used that offer top-notch customer service? Suppliers are a game changer so you need the best on the market. 

13. Be assertive
Don’t be bossy; be assertive. Embrace your team and make sure everyone knows who you are. From liaising with VIPs pre-event to managing hotel staff on site, take a directive approach with everything. Be proactive and make decisions. 

14.  Have fun!
My top tip is to breathe, relax and enjoy yourself. Have fun, and your clients will too. Happy clients come back because they just enjoy working with you.
15.  Conclusion
Learning and self-development is an on-going process. In order to be the most successful event manager you can be, periodically take a step back to assess your progress and processes.
And don’t forget to listen to advice from those with experience. (oh, and sign up to the Eventbrite blog newsletter for lots more handy tips and advice too)!
What do you think makes a great event manager?
Share your pearls of wisdom!


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